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7 Tips To Get A Job In China

How to start a career in China? 

Is one of the most common questions expats and people willing to move to china looking for better opportunities ask themselves.

China as an emerging market with a high economic growth and a very competitive world ranking as the second biggest economy according to the 2015 World Bank data, in addition as China is opening up to the world as well as its willingness to expand its investment in the world, which made of it a very appealing market to both investors and skilled labor.

China has adopted many strategies and plans like the one belt one road, and many other projects which explain the huge demand also need for expats and high qualified and skilled labor is a must. The opportunities are enormous.

How to get the right opportunity? This is what we are going to tell you in the coming paragraphs. 

1. Attending Networking events

In china you can whether use your own network to be able to expand your circle otherwise you can attend many of the events hold by foreign Chambers of Commerce, lucrative and non-lucrative organizations, embassies or some of the headhunters agencies that organizes these kind of event to both to do some adverts and get some good contacts (关系).

To many foreigners socializing with a bunch of strangers might sound awkward, but trust me this is how you might meet some people that will change your career and the course of your life.

You can get in two to three hours of socializing what might take you months to have. That's why it really worth giving it a try.

2. Enrollment in Chinese university programs

There are several long term and short term university programs held for foreigners in either Business or Chinese language. 

These generally focus on Chinese business and culture and cover law, finance, marketing … 

These kinds of programs are a great avenue to Chinese business for those who may not be able to get a job right away. Once in China, building a network there is the key to finding a long-term career.

3. Speaking Chinese 

Irrespective of which way you choose to follow to get to China, I would highly recommend the last point which is learning Chinese language (mandarin) this is the real pass to anything in China.

In general mastering the official language of a country contributes highly on your fast integration, and provides you with more opportunities and a comparative advantage that will distinguish your application positively.

4. Shanghai Expat, Asia Expat, AmCham China,

All of these sites have job listings. Those are life saver to job-seekers, internship seekers and anyone interested in doing business in China. These websites might help you learn how to do some networking, find Chinese schools if you are planning on learning mandarin, get involved in social work and ideally find your future employer.

5. Getting a Summer Internships

There is a huge need for interns in China particularly in Shanghai.

The only point to be careful about is the source from which you got this offer to avoid any falsehood or inaccuracy once starting your intern.

If you use an internship service, make sure that it has a good track record and can put you in touch with students who have used the service in the past.

6. LinkedIn, Plaxo, Gadball, Viadeo, Beyond

Online professional networking website and digital networking in general is a huge gateway to the world of opportunities.

For many job seekers in the world, LinkedIn as well as some local or international tools are their best friend or godfather of opportunities

This is digital networking systems grant access to HR and recruiters that job seekers are not otherwise allowed to contact.

These websites might also offer short tips on how to get noticed, get an interview and ultimately get the job or internship you're looking for.

7. Tours

An educational study tour or touristic tour might be a good introduction to China and the Chinese culture.

It also depends on the kind of tours you registered for it might be business focused, or an urban emphasis in China (Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen …), or go sightseeing (attraction sites and historical monuments). 


Globalization does affect China in a way. However China is taking action to maintain the economic growth such as laying out some policies related to the foreign investment to boost the national economy. This CEO survey report comes from PWC which comprehensively reveals that China could be the main stage for market entry. Moreover CEOs emphasize the recent problem about talent gap which can be solved by man and machine work together and it could be a long way to go. Yet finding an agency can be one of the best ways to narrow the talent gap. Talent Spot can help you with your HR solutions in China as well as Asia Pacific Region includes Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Thailand and Vietnam.

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