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Employment Outsourcing

Employment Outsourcing

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As one of the top overseas employment agencies and HR outsourcing service providers, our outsourcing services include but are not limited to the following: 

1) HR Outsourcing, such as salary computation, required benefit contribution, tax declaration, and salary release. 

2) Business Process Outsourcing, such as placing experts onsite to assist clients in growing their businesses. 

3) Outsourcing of finance, such as accounting services, bank payments, etc.

HR Outsourcing Services Types

EOR/Dispatching Service

Payroll Outsourcing

Mandatory Benefits Management

IIT (Individual Income Tax) Service

Employee Background Screening

Employee Pre-onboard Support

China Work Permit Application

Local Resident Permit Application

Commercial Insurance Management

Supplementary Benefits Management

FAQs of Employment Outsourcing

EOR/Dispatching Service
Talent Spot signs labor contracts with the employees, and we are responsible for the monthly payroll, local mandatory benefits contribution, and also tax-related tasks.
Payroll Outsourcing
With the changes in government policies, market salary levels, and business conditions, salary management is becoming more and more complex. At the same time, based on the changes in reward function, salary schemes are becoming more and more complicated, management systems are becoming more and more powerful and cumbersome, and their maintenance costs are becoming more and more expensive. By partnering with an external service agency, companies can get more professional payroll management services while reducing operating costs.
Mandatory Benefits Management
Normally covers the Pension, Medical, Injury, Unemployment, Birth insurance, and housing fund according to China government law & regulations.
IIT (Individual Income Tax) Service
Currently, in China, employees need to declare IIT monthly and annually base, and employers play the role of facing the Tax Bureau to get this done, so we both help our clients and their employees to do it properly.
Employee Background Screening
Mainly through the verification of job seekers' personal information to determine its authenticity and accuracy. This kind of service can help companies ensure that the talents they recruit are authentic and reliable, reducing the risk of recruitment caused by false information.
Employee Pre-onboard Support
We could help the client to draft, review, and issue the offer letter to confirmed candidates, and also arrange the check-up before the candidates on-board.
China Work Permit Application
For foreigners working in China, they must apply for a Work permit and Resident permit to stay in China legally. And we have a professional team to support this.
Local Resident Permit Application
In China, Hukou is a historical and complicated topic, it will impact the employees' local benefits, children's education, retirement treatment, etc. So many employees are required to apply for the 1st city resident permit and later apply for the Hukou accordingly.
Commercial Insurance Management
Many companies would provide this to their employees as additional benefits to attract, keep, and retain the employees. We have a deep understanding of designing the scheme, negotiating the quotation, and supporting employees to get reimbursement, etc.
Supplementary Benefits Management
If you want to be an attractive employer, you must want to provide additional benefits to your employees excluding the government mandatory benefits, e.g. birthday gifts, festival coupons, and children's day off, etc. All we could help to arrange this kind of flexible benefits.

What Are The Benefits Of Employment Outsourcing?

  • Simplify Procedures
  • ​Reduce Costs
  • Improve Satisfaction
  • Avoid Risks
  • Focus On Core Competencies
  • Resolve Urgent Issues
Talent Spot
Simplify Procedures
Simplify Procedures

Simplify personnel management procedures and improve work efficiency. Employee outsourcing companies and global employment outsourcing companies can be fully responsible for the management of employees' personnel files, recruitment, social security, labor contracts, and other matters so that enterprises can focus more on their core business.

​Reduce Costs
​Reduce Costs

Reduce personnel management costs. By outsourcing personnel management procedures, companies can reduce outsourcing payroll cost per employee in recruitment training, social security, benefits, labor contracts, and other aspects, while avoiding additional costs arising from labor disputes.

Improve Satisfaction
Improve Satisfaction

Improve employee satisfaction. The comprehensive personnel management services outsourcing hiring process provided by outsourcing companies can make employees feel better about care and service, thus improving employee satisfaction.

Avoid Risks
Avoid Risks

Avoid employment risks and troubles. By employment outsourcing services, enterprises can avoid the risks and troubles caused by labor disputes, illegal employment, and other problems.

Focus On Core Competencies
Focus On Core Competencies
Focus resources on core competencies. Through global employment outsourcing services, enterprises can centralize the affairs that were previously scattered in personnel management, so that enterprises can focus more on their core capabilities and business development.
Resolve Urgent Issues
Resolve Urgent Issues

Resolve urgent personnel issues quickly and efficiently. Employment outsourcing companies can quickly and efficiently solve the problems encountered by enterprises in personnel management, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles and losses caused by emergency personnel problems.

Process of Our Global Employment Outsourcing Services

Demand analysis and program design stage

1) At this stage, BD mainly communicates with customers to understand their human resource needs, goals and challenges.

2) Customized HR solutions for customers based on demand analysis results.

3) Key activities: Develop detailed plans, cost budgets, time plans, etc.

Confirm the signing and implementation phase

1) According to the business plan, hold the project launch meeting between the customer and the executive team, and carry out various human resources service arrangements step by step.

2) Key activities: understand customers' existing salary and benefit rules and schemes, record enterprise snapshots and generate customer management files.

Monitoring, evaluation and continuous optimization stage

1) Monitor the service process to ensure service quality and effect; Continuously optimize and improve the service plan based on the monitoring and evaluation results.

2) Key activities: regular evaluation, problem diagnosis and solution, solution adjustment, process optimization, innovative practice, etc.

Customer support and stable service stage

1) One-stop to provide mature service process and standards, strictly follow the service time and nodes, to ensure customer satisfaction.

2) Key activities: complete customer consultation, handle abnormal matters, provide value-added services, etc.

Why Talent Spot's Employment Outsourcing Service

The content of human resource outsourcing includes a series of human resource management activities such as recruitment, payroll, and benefits processing, employee relationship management, etc. These activities are usually handled by the company's internal human resources department, but through outsourcing, the company can assign these activities to external professional organizations. Human resource outsourcing is a management strategy designed to effectively improve efficiency and professionalize the operation of outsourced functions.

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Why Talent Spot's Employment Outsourcing Service

FAQs of Employment Outsourcing

Q: Why is Employment Outsourcing important?

Employment Outsourcing, also known as EOR (Employment Outsourcing), has become increasingly important in today's business environment due to several key reasons:

1.Cost Reduction: Outsourcing employment activities can significantly reduce costs for companies. By partnering with specialized human resource companies, firms can avoid the overhead costs associated with hiring, training, and managing an internal HR team. Additionally, the use of EOR services can help companies optimize their payroll and compliance processes, further reducing operational costs.

2. Efficiency and Focus on Core Business: Outsourcing employment activities frees up companies to focus on their core business operations. By letting an external provider handle HR functions, firms can devote more resources and attention to activities that drive revenue and growth.

3. Access to Expertise and International Knowledge: Specialized EOR service providers often have extensive experience and expertise in HR management, payroll, and compliance. This expertise can be especially valuable for companies expanding into new markets or navigating complex international employment laws.

4. Flexibility and Scalability: Employment Outsourcing offers companies greater flexibility to adapt to changing business needs. Whether scaling up or down, companies can quickly adjust their workforce through EOR services without the need for extensive internal restructuring.

5. Compliance and Risk Management: Outsourcing employment activities can help companies manage compliance risks. Specialized EOR providers have the knowledge and resources to ensure that companies meet all legal and regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of penalties or fines.

6. Improved Employee Experience: By partnering with a trusted EOR provider, companies can ensure that their employees receive professional and timely support. This can improve employee satisfaction and retention, leading to a more stable and productive workforce.

In summary, Employment Outsourcing is important because it offers companies a cost-effective, efficient, and compliant way to manage their workforce. By partnering with specialized service providers, firms can focus on their core business, access expertise, and reduce risks while improving the overall employee experience.

Q: What HR tasks and/or jobs can be outsourced to 3rd party?

HR tasks and/or jobs that can be outsourced include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Hiring and Recruitment: The process of identifying, attracting, and hiring qualified candidates for open positions can be outsourced to a specialized recruitment firm. This includes job postings, candidate screening, interviews, and final offering negotiation.

2. Payroll and Tax Compliance: Payroll processing, tax withholding, and compliance with relevant labor laws and regulations can be handled by an EOR provider. This ensures accurate and timely payment of salaries and taxes, while reducing the risk of penalties or fines.

3. Employee Support Services and Benefits Management:

Outsourcing firms can provide employee support services such as counseling, wellness programs, and work-life balance initiatives. These services can help improve employee satisfaction and retention. Additionally, they can administer employee benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, etc.

4. HR Administration: Administrative tasks such as maintaining employee records, processing paperwork, and managing HR policies and procedures can be outsourced. This frees up internal resources to focus on more strategic HR functions.

5. Compliance with International Laws and Regulations: For companies operating in multiple countries, EOR providers can help navigate complex international employment laws and regulations. This includes understanding local labor laws, tax implications, and data privacy requirements.

Q: How does Employment Outsourcing reduce costs?

Employment outsourcing can reduce costs in several ways:

1. Operational Efficiency: Outsourcing firms often have specialized expertise and economies of scale that allow them to perform HR tasks more efficiently than an internal team. This can lead to cost savings in terms of time, labor, and resources.

2. Reduced Overhead: By outsourcing HR functions, companies can avoid the costs associated with hiring, training, and maintaining an internal HR staff. This includes salaries, benefits, training and office space.

3. Technology Investments: Outsourcing providers often have access to advanced HR technology and software solutions that may be cost-prohibitive for a company to purchase and maintain on its own. By leveraging these tools, companies can reduce technology costs.

4. Risk Management: Outsourcing firms can help manage HR risks, such as compliance with laws and regulations, which can be costly if mishandled internally. Avoiding fines, penalties, and legal disputes can significantly reduce costs.

5. Flexible Pricing Models: Many outsourcing providers offer flexible pricing models that allow companies to pay for the services they need, rather than investing in full-time staff. This can result in cost savings, especially for companies with fluctuating HR needs.

6. Focus on Core Business: By outsourcing non-core HR functions, companies can focus their internal resources on strategic tasks that are more directly related to their core business. This improved focus can lead to increased efficiency and profitability.

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