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Global Recruiting Trends in 2017

The report is based on the survey responses of nearly 40000 corporate talent acquisition leaders across 35 countries. All respondents are at the manager level or higher.

Top 5 takeaways

1. Talent acquisition has a prominent seat at the executive table. 

Talent leaders feel confident that their department is helping define the future of their company. Over 83% of them say talent is the number one priority in their organization 

2. Recruiters will be even busier this year and are focusing on quality of hire. 

56% of leaders say that their team's hiring volume will increase and in order to measure success they are focusing on how long a new hire stays at the company, hiring manager satisfaction, and time to fill 

3. Budgets go to traditional tactics, but branding tops investment wish list. 

While nearly 70% of recruiting budgets are spent on job boards, recruiting tools, and staffing agencies, talent leaders identify employer branding as the #1 area where they wish they could invest more. 

4. Effective employer brand messaging focuses on culture and career growth. 

Over 80% of leaders acknowledge that employer branding has a significant impact on their ability to hire talent. Candidates reveal that companies can pique their interest if they talk about career growth, company culture, and challenges. 

5. Diversity, screening automation, and data are key future trends. 

Automating the screening and hiring process in order to eliminate human bias and time limitations will shape the future of recruiting. Big enterprises focus more on harnessing big data. 

How Recruiting Leaders Perceive Their Teams?

1. recruiting departments play a crucial role in the company's future

The recruiting organization is not the flashiest department. It doesn't directly bring in revenue or create game-changing products. Yet, it is the quiet enabler behind these company successes and this has not gone unnoticed. Talent and HR leaders have gained a prominent spot at the C-suite table, driving decisions about the future of the company. 

Talent and HR leaders say that:

HR Leaders

2. most recruiting teams won't grow this year

Despite the importance of recruiting, most leaders foresee that their team size won't increase. This means that as the hiring volume rises, recruiters need to get creative and automate their workflow. The recruiting teams that are growing are focusing mostly on finding full life cycle recruiters and employer branding specialists, indicating the increasing importance of the company's image. 

How will the size of your recruiting team change over the next year?

Change over the Next Year

Where recruiting teams spend their budgets? 

1. Compared to last year, more recruiting budgets will stay flat

Fewer recruiting teams will be enjoying bigger budgets this year -- in fact, one out of two teams will have to deal with a flat budget. This is yet another reason to think about investing your team's time in initiatives and tools which will bring you scale and allow for automation of time-consuming tasks 

How do you expect your organization's budget to change over the next year?

Compared to Last Year

2. Most teams invest their budgets in job postings and staffing agencies

Despite recruiters sharing that employee referrals are the top source of quality hires, very little budget gets allocated to referral programs. Same with employer branding – described as one of the most important trends, it is one the last places where teams invest. The bulk of the team's budget goes to more traditional tactics like posting jobs and staffing agencies

What is the current breakdown of your recruiting budget? 

Job Postings

3. The percentage of leaders globally who say their budgets will increase in 2017

Will Increase

Apparently from the conclusions drawn above, staffing agencies play more and more pivotal role in 2017. Talent Spot, a premium recruitment agency, has a high prestige in China,promoting you with the comprehensive and professional HR solutions.

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